We sure do! We have several options when it comes to shipping, it depends on location and the item you purchased. Smaller items are normally shipped via UPS. Larger items are shipped by using common carriers. Please see our shipping policy for more details.
We work with a number of local Amish master craftsmen. Please see visit the Our Amish Builders page for more information.
We have two retail locations in Lancaster County, open six days a week. To learn more about our locations visit our locations page.
Most of our products that can be shipped via UPS have the "Add to Cart" button showing on the product page, once you go to the checkout a shipping price will be shown. Other, larger products have a "Add to Quote" button shown on the product pages. After you submit a quote for these products we will send the quote back to you with the total shipping charges estimated. After you receive the quote back you will be able to complete the order by adding it to the cart. You can also always give us a call with any questions or to place an order at 717-768-0216.
Our furniture is crafted of fine hardwoods by finest dedicated furniture craftsman.
When you place an order, unless you purchase an in stock item, your furniture is built to order for you. There are often options for finish, hardware, wood, etc. When it comes to changes in dimensions some of our builders are willing to build their pieces to custom sizes. If you have something in a specific size that you are looking for feel free to contact us and we’ll be glad to let you know if we can match it exactly or what we do offer that matches the closest.
We are constantly adding items that are available online, however due to the large amount of items we sell we do not have everything shown online that we have in the stores. If you are looking for something you saw in one of our stores just let us know and we’ll be glad to get you more information about it.
Yes we do! Gift certificates can be purchased at any of our stores or by calling us at 717-768-0216. You may also click here to order them online.
At our stores we try to keep as many items in stock as possible, however due to the amount of options available for each piece we are unable to keep everything in stock at all times. If you are planning on traveling to one of our stores for an item we always recommend that you give us a call ahead of time to make sure we have your item in stock.
Visit our store locations page for current store hours.